Dealing With Overwintering Pests
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In many areas, insects are going to overwinter during the colder months. They’ll attempt to find shelter so they can stay warm and away from the snow. Many insects will attempt to overwinter in your attics and wall voids. Below, you’ll learn more about overwintering pests.
The Common Types Of Pests That Overwinter
It is common for insects to overwinter in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and other states. The most common overwintering pests will be explored in greater depth below.
Asian Ladybugs
Asian lady beetles or ladybugs look similar to other ladybugs, but there are a few differences between them. During the winter, these bugs are going to enter your home and structure so they can stay safe. These pests create numerous problems because they will bite and they’ll release a bad odor.
Box Elder Bugs
Boxelder bugs target gardens during the summer months. They eat the seeds found on maple trees and box elder trees. Their behavior gets much worse during the winter. These black and red bugs will slip through the cracks in your walls and sneak inside. The good news is that they’re not dangerous and won’t bite. Nevertheless, they have a bad odor and can stain your walls and furniture when they’re smashed.
Cluster Flies
Cluster flies are one of the many flies that spend their entire lives outside. One thing that sets them apart is the fact that they begin as a parasite found inside of an earthworm. Once it transitions into larvae, it will spend the rest of its time outside. However, these flies are going to look for ways to survive during the winter months. They’ll try to slip through the wood of buildings and homes. If you don’t stop them, you will have to clean up their mess when winter is over.
Stink Bugs
Stink bugs are roughly half an inch in length. These bugs came from Asia and they’ve quickly become a nuisance for people living throughout the United States. During the summer, these bugs will target your vegetable crops and fruit trees. You have to act quickly because they can destroy your entire crop. During the winter, they’ll try to get inside. When stressed, this bug is going to release a terrible older. To get rid of them without creating a messy, you should use a vacuum to suck them up.
Leaf-Footed Pine Seed Bugs
The leaf-footed pine seed bugs will create a new generation annually. Adult bugs can reach ¾ of an inch and are light brown. In the summer, they eat pine cones and seeds. When winter comes, the adult bugs are going to look for shelter. If they can’t find shelter under the bark of nearby trees, they might try to enter your home. They tend to shelter in mass quantities. They don’t bite or damage property but you’ll need to get rid of them anyway.
Knowing The Signs Of Overwintering Pest Problems
When the temperatures drop, overwintering pests will seek shelter. They leave that shelter when the temperatures increase. They’ll use small cracks and crevices to enter your bedroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen, or garage. If you find these bugs in your home during the summer, they’re likely trying to get back outside. If they’re present during spring, you are likely dealing with an overwintering pest infestation.
How Do I Stop Overwintering Pest From Entering My Home?
It is pertinent to begin protecting your home during the fall months. First and foremost, you should check your home for cracks and crevices. Be sure to seal these as quickly as possible so you can prevent the bug from entering your home.
Small Openings
You need to stop the bugs from sneaking into your home. To do so, you should seal any cracks and crevices found in exterior walls.
Create A Protective Barrier
You’ll also want to create a protective barrier around the exterior of your home. We can use powerful products to keep the bugs away.
Common Entry Points
When it comes to overwintering pests, you’ll find that most sneak into your home through cracks, window frames, and other crevices.
Joints In Bricks
If your bricks aren’t fully filled, these bugs may sneak inside. Make sure that all gaps are completely sealed with sealant.
Window Frames
You’ll also need to check your window frames. You should look for cracks under and above the window frames. Even if the crack is small, you’ll want to seal it using caulk.
It is a good idea to fill in cracks between the fascia. Fill this crack by using a foam insulating cord.
Attic Vents
To prevent overwintering bugs from entering your attic, you should seal the vents. You need to place a screen behind the vents.
Other Openings
Finally, you should check all utility openings. You need to seal all holes near the cables, pipes, and vents coming into your home. Overwintering bugs can use the smallest cracks to enter your home. With that being said, you need to eliminate all cracks. Alternatively, you can try calling us. We offer a free home inspection so we can give you tips for preventing these pests from entering your home.
How Can I Seal My Houses To Stop Pests From Getting In?
When protecting your home, you need to seal cracks using the right materials. Caulk is one of the best options because it will work exceptionally well. You should use caulk for joints that won’t move. Other materials you can use include foam insulation, hardware cloth, and aluminum screening.
If you have any other pest control issues please check out other services.